Aki-chan's Life

Visiting NERV - "Mama and Papa work here?" - 52
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And we're back, along with Grandma No.2.

Kyoko sure was a bit tricky, seeing how there's no proper picture of her - other than a silhouette here and there, there's just the "ghostly" picture of her in EoE, showing her with a somewhat soft, almost childish face. Not too much to use. Unless you count Sadamoto's long-haired psycho, but I'd rather not.
To be honest, I think she's one of the characters he hurt the most, seeing how few definite facts the anime gave about her to defend her from his portrayal. Maybe it's just me, but I have the feeling the idea of her having a mean and crazy or at least uncaring streak even before/without the accident has become rather common.
Granted, my interpretation is as good as anyone's, but I'd rather see her as loving mother than someone who got a child out of selfishness and have it compete with ex-hubby's own. Not unlike Yui, maybe even a bit less calculating.

On that note, you might want to check out the non-H (*gasp*) Doujin series "Lost Memories", featuring Kyoko's life from shortly before her pregnancy until after the accident (a third volume, likely featuring "the rest", was announced, but I don't know if it actually exists). She seems a bit too withdrawn there, almost... Shinji-like, but that "unusual" interpretation makes it at least interesting (if seeing her POV isn't interesting enough). Just wish there would be a translation... :(

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