Jimmy's Gallery

A little bonus pic I did for Christmas 2006. Don't expect this to show up in T2t. ;)

Not completely happy with some things here and there (tree's shadow, some perspective things, color brightness (though I adjusted that a tons of time already and actually is probably the best I did so far)...), but overall it came off quite nicely. Especially regarding that I haven't drawn a full pic in ages. :P


A little bonus pic I did for Christmas 2006. Don't expect this to show up in T2t. ;)

Not completely happy with some things here and there (tree's shadow, some perspective things, color brightness (though I adjusted that a tons of time already and actually is probably the best I did so far)...), but overall it came off quite nicely. Especially regarding that I haven't drawn a full pic in ages. :P

say_cheese__by_elsqiubbonator-d5tlwcn.png 13-family2.png xmas06.jpg 2ndbanner2.jpg 007.JPG
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L-Voss   [Dec 25, 2006 at 10:17 AM]
Heheh, Aki looks so cute and innocent here ^^ But wasn't she the one who made Asuka and Shinji so tired? Razz
Seppuku   [Jan 09, 2007 at 08:08 PM]
Very nice picture!
b123sedg   [Jan 09, 2007 at 09:48 PM]
I love this and thats all I can say right now so keep up and update soon.
Derek   [Sep 05, 2007 at 01:59 AM]
A pity you didn't include this in Raise but otherwise its Great!

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