Jimmy's Gallery

Last comments - The 2nd try
4932 views05/08/10 at 20:40b123sedg: Nice pic, as for Shinji and Asuka I think that the...
3815 viewsNot quite a T2t-fitting pic, but I once saw a documentary with a cute japanese kindergarten-kid in a similar outfit and I just had to put Aki in this. Didn't quite turn out as intended, but not too shabby either.08/02/08 at 21:08JimmyWolk: *cough* Maybe... (actually going to be a pretty bi...
3815 viewsNot quite a T2t-fitting pic, but I once saw a documentary with a cute japanese kindergarten-kid in a similar outfit and I just had to put Aki in this. Didn't quite turn out as intended, but not too shabby either.08/01/08 at 14:47sithknight-Galen: Idea Well, may not have worked with the story, b...
Chapter4-46880 views07/03/08 at 00:01Sailor Star Dust: Nice! The picture reminds me of Marmalde Boy. ^^; ...
[old line]Chapter2-32409 views09/11/07 at 02:59Derek: you should color this in and put it in survive
6076 viewsAn older pic of Asuka with Aki. Aki's head doesn't seem quite right and it's a little "grey-ish"09/11/07 at 02:56Derek: It looks good to me
xmas0617709 viewsA little bonus pic I did for Christmas 2006. Don't expect this to show up in T2t. ;)

Not completely happy with some things here and there (tree's shadow, some perspective things, color brightness (though I adjusted that a tons of time already and actually is probably the best I did so far)...), but overall it came off quite nicely. Especially regarding that I haven't drawn a full pic in ages. :P
09/05/07 at 01:59Derek: A pity you didn't include this in Raise but otherw...
3815 viewsNot quite a T2t-fitting pic, but I once saw a documentary with a cute japanese kindergarten-kid in a similar outfit and I just had to put Aki in this. Didn't quite turn out as intended, but not too shabby either.09/05/07 at 01:57Derek: cute pic Smile
Chapter4-46880 views09/05/07 at 01:55Derek: This picture is one of my fav in the world in my o...
Chap 8 Teaser7192 views08/19/07 at 12:39L-Voss: This teaser is really... teasing Razz Can't wait xD
random pic for chap 66247 views01/21/07 at 05:49Elena: Very nice picture. Wouldn't you mind if I'd use th...
xmas0617709 viewsA little bonus pic I did for Christmas 2006. Don't expect this to show up in T2t. ;)

Not completely happy with some things here and there (tree's shadow, some perspective things, color brightness (though I adjusted that a tons of time already and actually is probably the best I did so far)...), but overall it came off quite nicely. Especially regarding that I haven't drawn a full pic in ages. :P
01/09/07 at 21:48b123sedg: I love this and thats all I can say right now so k...
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