Jimmy's Gallery

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Say Cheese22581 viewsYay, more fan-fanart! :D This little family picture comes from ElSqiubbonator. Click here for his DA-account.
Will Aki ever get a cwute little kitten for herself? Would it survive the wrath of PenPen's jealousy? We'll wait and see... ;)
Family17958 viewsStarting up the illustrations again, first up for the final scene
xmas0617705 viewsA little bonus pic I did for Christmas 2006. Don't expect this to show up in T2t. ;)

Not completely happy with some things here and there (tree's shadow, some perspective things, color brightness (though I adjusted that a tons of time already and actually is probably the best I did so far)...), but overall it came off quite nicely. Especially regarding that I haven't drawn a full pic in ages. :P
banner17126 views
"Family in the Garden" by Jed Lobo16003 viewsArtist's notes:
"Some notes about the drawing:
It is an image of the family in the garden, evident by Asuka's watering pot and both she and Shinji's light clothing, since I imagine them doing labor in the heat w/o much on. Aki is grabbing hold of Shinji's leg, and is barefoot, as usual. Also, I figured because of her partly German ancestry, and Shinji's full Japanese ancestry, Asuka would have an advantage in growth potential. In the beginning of the series, she was taller than Shinji, and though boys do grow over a longer period of time, I figured the hard labor of supporting a family with shelter and food, having a somewhat unbalanced diet, as well as not acquiring a lot of sleep during the essential phase of male growth (between the ages of 14 and 18) because of taking care of Aki, he didn't get to grow to his full potential, while Asuka was well into the female growth spurt already. Therefore, I drew them at about the same height, though she may be about an inch taller. The two of them are approximately 5'6" or 5'7" (about 166-167 cm) Their age in the drawing is approximately 20 or 21."
[concept]"Mari" Suzuhara15497 viewsA bit odd to start the new character concepts with a character I'm not even sure I'm ever going to use - she's too old to be in Aki's kindergarten class, after all. But her design was pretty easy: some resemblance to her brother, also having a somewhat sporty look to fit the family. Only those leg-stabilizer-things would use a better, less clunky look.
If she ever appears, she probably won't actually be called "Mari" though - I don't like going with the masses and with the new Rebuild chara apparently having that name, it might start to fade as acronym for Toji's sister eventually anyway.
[current final]Chapter1-113492 views
Offspring11976 viewsAs I can't do the full description here, feel free to check on dA: https://www.deviantart.com/jimmywolk/art/Offspring-866286014 :)
10 year anniversary11579 views
Aki Concept11054 viewsAs the name says, these were the very first concept drawings I did of Aki.
[old sketch]Makoto-Shigeru9195 views
Aki's fear p128343 viewsA fancomic by RedBahamut
119 files on 10 page(s) 1