Aki-chan's Life

Magic Hat - "Can't I wear my own things?" - 85
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First of all, please note the latest news post, especially if you subscribed to the newsletter, and even more so if you already know it so well that you don't even look inside anymore. xP

The whole issue left me with less time for AcL as I had hoped, but I think I'll still be able to go out of my vacation with a neat buffer that will hopefully last me through the rest of the chapter.

As for today's page: Sorry, couldn't be bothered with details for the buildings. XD
There was a "complaint" that Aki sounded more like Rei than a 4 years old on a recent page - and I think I have to agree that she sounds a bit off on this one here. I even changed one of the lines to make it a bit more child-like. But then again, she was supposed to make an overly dramatic speech - who knows maybe she really copies the adults a bit... :P

Also in other news, L-Voss' Polish translation has moved to a new site. You can now find a link to that and the German translation on the AcL main page.

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